Name: Donna Blount
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Favorite movie: Muriel’s Wedding
Favorite book: Designing with Type
Where would you like to retire? Near the Ocean . . . or a really big lake.
If you could have any superpower, which would it be? Invisibility
Do you prefer hotdogs or hamburgers? Hotdogs |

Why did you choose the colors that you did? Was there any color psychology involved? They make circuit boards so I wanted the color blue to be in there. Most people associate the color blue with technology. The logo design greatly benefited from the tasteful blue hues and the client was really happy.
What was the inspiration for this logo design? The name Phoenix Designs itself inspired me. It was all in the company name.
Who do you think are the top artists out there? I don't know if there really are famous logo designers, but I really like the guy that did the FedEx logo. It's my favorite logo design to date because of the hidden arrow between the letters e and x.
What part of designing is most fun and easy, and what is most hard? The most fun part of starting a logo design is coming up with the ideas. The hardest thing is balancing my own aesthetic ideals with the needs of the client.
What are some of the things that you do to keep yourself creative? I go to the museum here in Montreal regularly. I also attend life drawing sessions once a week and Logo Tree send us to conferences frequently to keep our skills sharp. |
Name: Nathalie Werth
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Favorite movie: Crossroads
Favorite book: The Celestine Prophecy
Where would you like to retire? I've always loved Maine!
If you could have any superpower, which would it be? A voice that can shatter steel.
Do you prefer hotdogs or hamburgers? Hamburgers |
What inspired you to become a Logo Design Artist? I know that I buy only respectable brands. I judge whether a product is good enough by how well it presents itself. I think a lot of people do that unconsciously. I like having the power to make people comfortable trying something new or helping them find what they're looking for with sheer visual appeal.
How do you go about designing, and what goes through your mind, from start to end? I try to program myself to get into the mindset of the client. I think to myself what do dentists like? The answer was themselves. So I focused on taking the "e" in his name, giving it a 3D look and incorporating a hook to signify the tools that he uses.
What are some of the things that you have worked on? I design a lot of logos, that's really my passion. My most recent project outside of logo design was on a presentation folder for a tutoring company called Lemira.
What are some of the things that you do to keep yourself creative? I watch a lot of movies. They help me keep in touch with new techniques and new ways of looking at old problems.
What part of designing is most fun and easy, and what is most hard? Brainstorming is the best part. That's where we can really get our creative juices going and explore ideas that may end up on the cutting room floor, but are well worth the time to explore. |
Name: Mitch McGrath
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Favorite movie: The Elephant Man
Favorite book: The Fortress of Solitude
Where would you like to retire? Greece
If you could have any superpower, which would it be? Some kind of morphing ability.
Do you prefer hotdogs or hamburgers? Hotdogs |
How do you go about designing, and what goes through your mind, from start to end? I always start by going over the details of the logo project with a project director. They always have a good feel for what the client is looking for. Then I start with some basic sketches to get my brain going.
What is a typical day for you, and who are the people you work with? My day is jam-packed with a variety of different projects. My mornings always start with a large coffee and then a meeting to see what new orders we have.
What are some of the things that you have worked on? I've focused mainly on logo design. It's really my passion. I think the best logo that I had the most fun with was Pine Ridge because the client really trusted us and game us the liberty to express ourselves while still representing their interests.
Is there a design you have done that you are most proud of? That would be the logo I've chosen to display here today actually. |
Name: Marc Thomas
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Favorite movie: Happy Texas
Favorite book: The Fermata
Where would you like to retire? Mykonos, Greece
If you could have any superpower, which would it be? Breathe underwater
Do you prefer hotdogs or hamburgers? Hamburgers |
Is there a design you have done that you are most proud of? I've very proud of Thistle Dairy. This is an illustrated logo and not part of our usual packages. An illustrated logo takes about 8 times longer, but as you can see the effect can be well worth it.
What is a typical day for you, and who are the people you work with? Every morning starts with a morning meeting, laying out everything that myself and the other designers, marketers, and creatives will be working on. I love my team.
What part of designing is most fun and easy, and what is most hard? I like seeing the final result. All of the brainstorming and research gets in the way for me because I just want to start designing. I work best when I'm left alone.
What are some of the things that you do to keep yourself creative? Logo Tree constantly sends us to workshops where we learn new ways of approaching design. I get a lot out of them and I love learning about the new tools in the applications we use.
What inspired you to become an Artist? When I was growing up, my parents were both very liberal and encouraged me to explore my creative side. They were very supportive. |
Name: Steve Klieb
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Favorite movie: The Jazz Singer
Favorite book: Branding: From Brief to Finished Design
Where would you like to retire? Chile
If you could have any superpower, which would it be? X-ray vision
Do you prefer hotdogs or hamburgers? Hamburgers |
What is a typical day for you, and who are the people you work with? I usually show up late because I bike to work, oddly enough no one seems to mind. That's how cool the people are who I work with.
Why did you choose the colors that you did? Well silver was an obvious choice as it was in the name and the client did let us know in advance that they wanted to use a foil process on their business card. The blue was recommended by the client.
Is there a design you have done that you are most proud of? To be honest I think all of my work has merit, but I do sincerely love this logo.
What are some of the things that you do to keep yourself creative? I like to get outdoors. Sitting among the trees in a park gives me some perspective on what really is beautiful in the world.
What inspired you to become an Artist? I think I was born an artist. |
Name: James Danner
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Favorite movie: How to Get Ahead in Advertising
Favorite book: The Rules of Attraction
Where would you like to retire? I’ll never retire.
If you could have any superpower, which would it be? Immortality
Do you prefer hotdogs or hamburgers? Hotdogs |
How do you go about designing, and what goes through your mind, from start to end? I just give clients what I would want to see myself. I don't think there's more to it than that.
What is a typical day for you, and who are the people you work with? I start by looking in myself and repeating my mantra: you are the greatest designer and nobody does "look" and "feel" like you do. The other designers I work with are very nice but we get into frequent arguments.
What are some of the things that you have worked on? I'm a lead designer here at Logo Tree so I touch just about every major project. My favorite project was Midstokke. I worked on everything from his logo to his stationery and finally his logo. I hope to work on the brochure next.
Why did you choose the colors that you did? I wanted the logo to have an earthy feel, but still radiate a sexy heat.
What was the inspiration for this logo design? Midstokke is based in California and is an avid surfer. I wanted that to come through in the design, but still tie in to what he does: build awesome homes. |
Name: Marius Villenus
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Favorite movie: La Double Vie de Veronique
Favorite book: Paradise Lost
Where would you like to retire? Switzerland
If you could have any superpower, which would it be? Flying
Do you prefer hotdogs or hamburgers? Hotdogs |
How do you go about designing, and what goes through your mind, from start to end? I inspire my self directly from the information that the customers give us. They're the ones that have to live with whatever I design.
What are some of the things that you have worked on? I work on logos mostly. I've designed over 200.
What was the inspiration for this logo design? REACOM sells residential real estate so I wanted the logo to embody that while maintaining an abstract quality.
What part of designing is most fun and easy, and what is most hard? Nothing about designing logos is easy. Everyday brings a new challenge.
What inspired you to become an Artist? My deep desire to never have to wear a suit and tie to work. |
Name: Melinda Thompson
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Favorite movie: Better off Dead
Favorite book: Jane Eyre
Where would you like to retire? On a sailboat in the Caribbean
If you could have any superpower, which would it be? Telekinesis
Do you prefer hotdogs or hamburgers? I’m not a fan of either. |
What is a typical day for you, and who are the people you work with? I love the people I work with. We inspire each other and push one another to succeed. It's great to work with people who have different strengths and talents because then we can build each other up and grow together.
What are some of the things that you have worked on? I've worked on everything from car wash companies to lawyers. Some of my favorite projects have been the smaller companies that are looking for something a little less polished and a lot more fun.
Why did you choose the colors that you did? I'm a strong believer in color psychology, which is the idea that all colors have an effect on humans. I choose colors that I think represent the industry, but haven't been too over-used.
What was the inspiration for this logo design? I just wanted this logo to express simplicity. I think it demonstrates the simple beauty that is found in nature.
What part of designing is most fun and easy, and what is most hard? I think the most fun and easy part is the original brainstorming and concepts. This is the time when things are less regulated and you can really go with your gut instinct. The revision process is a lot more challenging because as you refine the samples down things get much more specific and focused. |